Thursday, February 5, 2015

Flagstaff AZ------ GRAND CANYON!

Panorama of the Grand Canyon, stunning!
 Grand Canyon
Miss Sophia playing around.
There are those times in life when you see something to unique, so beautiful and different that you are left stunned in admiration! The Grand Canyon is one of those places.  I could sit and stare at the wonder of the creation of the Grand Canyon for days and never get bored.  What an absolute marvel.  This is one of those places that you deeply appreciate the creative nature and power of the Lord almighty.  This is the second time I have visited here, the last being in 2008.  This is the first time for Sophia and the other kids did not remember so it was special for them as well.  We took the whole day to drive on the South Rim of the canyon on roads that are normally blocked to public traffic.  Every stop was a stop of unique and intense reflection for me.  

If you ever have a chance to see the Grand Canyon, explore or hike in the over 1 mile depth of the place please do! It is an experience that you will never forget and something that you will appreciate forever.
another panorama of the south rim

Sedona AZ- Red River Canyon

Here are some photos of us taking a drive through Red River Canyon north of Sedona.  What a beautiful place!  This was part of our time in Flagstaff AZ.  We planned a day to go to a couple of educational places and took this drive going south from Flagstaff and returning home that evening.  We visited a Pueblo, old mining town and Montezuma's castle.  This was a dwelling built by indians in the side of a cliff!

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