After leaving Flagstaff and overnighting in Phoenix, we headed out through the desert to our next stop, San Diego! I love San Diego. I have been there many times in the past for work stuff but never had the chance to do some RV'ing there. We started out California adventures here and planned 5 nights to do some family activities and see some old friends.

We visited La Jolla cove the following day. After eating at a pretty crafty buger joint called "Burger Lounge" we took a walk and did the typical tourist thing. The cove was just gorgeous and it was a really pleasant day with the weather. We allowed the kids to play in the sand and gave them instructions not to get wet. Guess what happened? Yep they got wet. Here is a video of the cove if you have never seen it.
We visited some old friends with our time there as well. I got to see an old friend John Cressler. John and I have been friends for around 10 years and met at a sushi joint in Wilmington. He now lives out in San Diego and is married to a wonderful woman Odette and has a beautiful baby girl named Sienna. It was a blessing to have them see the kids since John only never met Owen or Sophia. We spent time together at our RV and it was a joy.
Rory got to see an old friend as well. Trista Montero. Trista has lived out here quite a while as well and is married to Brian and they have a little boy named Mattie. Rory and Trista were pretty inseparable back in high school.