In my previous occupation as a stock and options trader, I would occasionally have to take a flight and visit New York City. Because of the nature of the financial heartbeat of the world being centered upon this city, it was necessary for me to have to conduct business in a personal nature. I never really liked going there. I was never really a fan of leaving my family and getting on a plane to go to a place where most of the people are so busy pursuing things that have no life. I say this tongue and cheek as obviously there are fine people in NYC, but for the most part I never enjoyed the millions living in the city who most of the time could not care about the one next to them. I know it's kind of harsh but it was my perspective from visiting there on business for over 12 years.
I am happy to say now that I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my family in New York City this past weekend. We had a great stay and a wonderful time.
Our accommodations were right on the times square madhouse and my kids thought that was just awesome. We were on a corner of the Millennium Building and it was a nice room. It served as our HQ while we were there and we were positioned nicely to do the things and see the sights we wanted to. Some of our great sights that we saw were the Empire State Building. We bought the really expensive tickets and took the whole family up to the observation deck! It was so worth every penny! Next we went on a boat cruise which was very informative. The captain definitely loved being a New Yorker and was very entertaining. We finished the cruise by staring at Lady Liberty for a few minutes while the captain discussed our freedoms that we have as being Americans. It was really cool. The big highlight of the trip was being able to see some of our family. My wife had an opportunity to see her Aunts and Uncles and her Grandmother. We got to spend the afternoon our in Long Island talking and visiting. It was really a blast.
The trip was short and of course it went by quick but none the less it was worth the time, energy, traffic and driving. We left our motorhome parked in front of my sisters house for the weekend and drove the minivan to the city. I think it was a pretty good idea.
Here is a video, courtesy of Magisto, that I made of NYC. Also some pics of our adventures over the weekend! Thanks for keeping up with us! We have had almost 5000 unique visitors now who have read our blog! pretty sweet.